Hey everyone! My name is Katie! My mom, Jeanne FitzGibbons, initially started this blog to talk to everyone about food allergies and how to navigate the world of being a food allergy mom. Which she has been doing an excellent job at! But I’ll let you all in on a little secret, I’ve been helping her run this blog for the past month or so! We’ve been working together to make the recipes, write the blog posts, and run our social media (both our Pinterest and Instagram)! Now, while it was fun being a secret blogger for a bit, I’ve realized that it might be fun to start writing posts about my actual experiences with food allergies (plus I can’t let my mom steal all of the spotlight).
As you might have discovered from exploring some of our blog, I have quite a few allergies! I’m allergic to Dairy, Eggs, Peanuts, Tree Nuts, Sesame, and Chickpeas. While having allergies is nothing to dwell on, I definitely have faced my fair share of struggles when it comes to eating safe. Because I have experience dealing with my allergies, I really would like to share my knowledge with other people who might be struggling to understand their (or their friend or family member’s) allergies. I particularly would love to help out teens and young adults because I totally understand how awkward those years can be, and I would never want your allergies to be something contributing to that awkwardness. I want to share some tips and tricks about how to make your life with food allergies a little bit easier. Also, I was mulling over the idea of starting a YouTube channel where I can be more personal during these conversations (let me know if you think this is a good idea).
Okay, so first off, before we get into all of the allergy stuff, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I’m an underclassman at University of Michigan where I’m studying Film, television, and media and Anthropology. I have quite a few hobbies including guitar, running, reading, and obviously cooking. I also love nature and all things environmentally friendly. Expanding on that, I enjoy hiking, camping, and studying sustainability. With a passion for trying new things, I always am expanding my hobby list, so expect me to talk about a variety of subjects.
Wonderful, now you know a lot more about me. Expect more recipes and posts coming from me. I’m really excited to be able to communicate with the food allergy community and share my experiences! Alright, goodbye for now, I’ll talk to you soon!
Hooray, Katie! Happy to see you co-blogging here.
Thank you! I really appreciate that!