Now, I know we all are social distancing so most of us won’t be attending any block parties any time soon; however, you can take this time to perfect your block party side dish! At least that is what I’ve been doing for the past few days. I went through quite a few recipes before I settled on this one. My Roasted Brussel Sprouts with a Lemon Mustard Vinaigrette are a perfect choice for a delicious side dish. They have such a vivid flavor and are so simple to make. You’ll absolutely adore them.
Every other week we get a vegetable haul from Imperfect Produce. This week, when I opened the box, I noticed that we received quite a bit of brussel sprouts. Then *BAM* inspiration hit. My Roasted Brussel Sprouts with a Lemon Mustard Vinaigrette recipe was born. If you do not know what Imperfect Produce is, I highly recommend checking them out here. They aim to eliminate food waste by taking imperfect produce (that might not look perfect, but still maintain good quality) that stores and markets won’t sell and they sell it to you for an affordable price. I love my Imperfect Produce. Seeing my box sitting at my front door gives me a feeling of pure joy.
Most of the recipes on this site are all sweet recipes. This is our first savory recipe. Let me know if you like it and if you want more savory recipes. We do make a lot of allergy friendly meals, so we have plenty to share with all of you!
I hope you like the Roasted Brussel Sprouts with a Lemon Mustard Vinaigrette. They are a perfect summer dish and my family ate them up so quickly, it was wonderful! Ps. If you don’t like brussel sprouts, use the Vinaigrette on any one of your favorite roasted veggies!
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